Friday, May 15, 2009

Benefits of Salmon

The Hot Alaska Salmon Melts are not only good tasting but they are good for you. Most of us think of getting our calcium by consuming milk and yogurt, which is correct but you can also get your daily dose of calcium by eating the bones from the canned salmon. By crushing up the bones you are adding extra calcium to your diet. Think of it as "sneaking eating" and your family will never know. Another health benefit of salmon is the omega-3 fatty acids. These are important because they may help to thin blood and prevent blood platelets from clotting and sticking to artery walls. That in turn will aid in lowering the risk of blocked blood vessels and heart attacks.
This recipe can be adapted for your families taste buds! The canned salmon can be substituted for canned chicken or tuna. You may also use leftover hotdog or hamburger buns in the place of the English muffins. I hope you family will enjoy this recipe as much as mine does.

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