Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brown Rice Benefits

When making Beef Choufleur I purchase beef round steak when it is on sale. I check out my weekly grocery fliers making it easier to prepare economical and healthy recipes each week. This recipe actually came from my mom, who prepared it when I was a child. I remembered it after a trip home recently, and thought I would share it with you.

The recipe is easy and quick, but I would like for you to consider using brown rice, instead of white. Find some of the health benefits to using brown rice below:

  • Key nutrients include: B vitamins, maganese, selenium, iron, and fiber.
  • Disease prevention
  • Boosts immune system
  • Lowers cholesterol and reduces risk of many other health ailments
  • Brown rice is 100-percent whole grain. One cup of whole grain brown rice supplies 2 of the 3 recommended daily servings of whole grains.

Tips on cooking rice from the U.S. Rice Federation:
  • Accurately measure rice and liquid.
  • Set timer to prevent under or over-cooking.
  • Keep lid on pot during cooking to prevent steam from escaping.
  • Rice triples in volume. Use cookware appropriate for the amount of rice you are preparing.
  • Do not stir. Stirring releases the starch, resulting in rice that is sticky.
  • At the end of cooking time, remove lid and test for doneness. If the rice is not tender or liquid is not absorbed, cook 2 to 4 minutes longer.
  • When rice is cooked, fluff with fork or slotted spoon to allow steam to escape and keep the grains separate.

For those who plan ahead, soaking brown rice overnight cuts the cooking time dramatically. Soak the rice in the measured amount of water you will need to cook it, and cook it in the same water, adding more water if necessary. DO NOT drain the rice after soaking it, nutrients will be lost.

There are some aromatic brown rices available that smell really good when they are being cooked. Try one with this dish. I hope you enjoy Beef Choufleur and include it as one of your family recipe favorites!

Enjoy and eat healthy!

Dee Lee

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