- Set a regular family mealtime. Regular mealtimes give your child a better chance to reat a variety of foods to get the right amount to grow, stay healthy, and keep a healthy weight.
- Make it simple, make it quick! Spend less time in the kitchen and more time at the family table. Simple meals, even cold sandwiches, taste as good as meals that take more work. You can make any meal special if you all feel relaxed and if mealtime is fille with caring and laughter. Simplify -- to take care of you, too!
- Show that family meals are important. Durig mealtime, turn off the TV. Find another way to see favorite shows. Let the answering machine take your phone calls, too. Have your family make calls before or after the meal hour. Show that same respect for other families when you make phone calls.
- Eat around a table. It's easier to talk and listen to your family when you face each other. Eating sid by at the kitchen counter takes away eye contact.
- Enjoy meal talk. Make easy conversations - no nagging or complaining. Talk so everyone can be a "star" at mealtime. Don't take over. your child will listen and learn by feeling included.
- Be realistic about mealtime. Try to sit down together. Keep meals from lasting too long. If kids get fussy, you family meal won't be fun. Wait until everyone is done to be excused.
Why Eat Together?
Nutrition: Studies show that most people - children, teens, older adults and singles - eat more balanced meals and wider variety of foods when they eat with family and friends.
Family Tradition: Food served at the family table helps shape and give lasting meaning to our cultural heritage. Positive food memories created during childhood are cherished for life.
Communication: Shared mealtimes offer a chance to communicate with neighbors, friends and family; helping to bild a strong spirit of community and commitment to one another.
Culinary Skills: Children learn basic cooking skills and to appreciate a variety of tasty foods when they are involved in mealtim preparation.
I hope that you are enjoying the Dinner Tonight videos and blogs. Remember to sit the family down for the great recipes that you are trying out.
Happy Cooking!! Emily