Sunday, June 7, 2009

"The Other White Meat" for Dinner Tonight!

This week we are featuring a pork chop recipe. Don’t forget about pork when choosing meat for your dinner tonight. Pork has changed a lot over the years. Due to public demand and changes in feeding and breeding techniques, pork producers now offer a much leaner pork product. Common cuts of pork today are 16% leaner and have 27% less saturated fat than compared to pork in 1991! The tenderloin is the leanest cut of pork and meets the guidelines for “extra lean” - a 3-ounce serving has less than 3 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat and 62 milligrams of cholesterol – it’s as lean as a skinless chicken breast.

This baked pork chop recipe uses non-fat sour cream to coat the pork chops before they are dipped in crushed corn flakes. One thing to remember about pork is not to overcook it – or your family may say it is too dry! The only way to know for sure when pork chops are done is when the food thermometer reads 160 degrees.

Finally, don’t be afraid to change this recipe to suit your family’s tastes. You could add your favorite seasonings to change things up a bit or a multi-grain cereal for the outside coating. The important thing is to vary your family’s menu so no one gets tired of eating the same thing all the time. Hope you enjoy today’s recipe!


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