Thursday, June 11, 2009

Zucchini and Chicken Pie

This week we are featuring "Zucchini and Chicken Pie." Did someone say, "pie?" When a baker says the pie is ready, she usually gets everyone's attention, especially children. We know it's summer and like pie, summer attracts everyone's attention and yes, especially children. Mealtime has positive effects for families, especially children. During the school year, we desire quick meal preparation options because of the various demands on family time and during the summer, quick meal preparation options are still our desire because in addition to the time demands, is the heat, we want to cook and get out of the hot kitchen. Summer heat does not decrease our family's appetite, especially the children's appetite! Zucchini and Chicken Pie is a suitable option for you and your family this summer because it is quick, healthy, and cost-saving. Got your attention! Great! Here are a few more points to consider!

1) Zucchini is a summer squash and vegetables are at lowest price when in season. One medium-sized zucchini has only 25 calories. Zucchini has many health benefits and provides vitamin C, folate, potassium and vitamin A. Zucchini has a high water content. Summer's harvest of fresh vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet.

2) Roadside produce stands and Farmer's Markets are full of home grown vegetables creating a great way to enhance family time. Allowing children to pick vegetables that will be a part of the family meal is a way to increase their involvement or contribution to meal time.

3) You bake this recipe, reducing the amount of time you have to be in the kitchen. Baking works well for vegetables.

Finally, keep vegetables safe to eat by following the Partnership for Food Safety Education six recommendations. For more information, visit

Enjoy your summer,


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